Week 11: 10/21-10/25

Sunday, October 20, 2019
Hello KC Families, 

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Mr. Howard and I got to enjoy a friends wedding in Rocky Point, for a nice little weekend getaway!

A couple quick notes for this week. In observance of conference week we will have 1/2 days. This means there will be no lunch so please pack a bigger snack for your child. Release schedule is as follows:
K-2 11:45
3-5 12:05
Prep Siblings 12:25
Pick-up may take a tad be longer so thank you for being patient!

 Now here's a look at this week:
Spalding: This week we will continue to learn two letter phonograms adding more double letter phonograms on each night of homework. We will introduce ou, oo, ch, ar. We will practice recognizing these phonograms in words and continue to review the first 30 phonograms.

Sight Words: This week we will review list 3 and test over these words by the end of the week. A fun way to practice is to put the sight word somewhere around your house, when your child sees it, they have to give it a high five and say the word.  

LiteratureWe will be reading the African Trickster tale, "How Many Spots Does a Leopard Have?"  This is a fun story about animals guessing how many spots the leopard really has. We will also explore two other African Tales, “Anansi the Spider,” and “How the Leopard got his Spots.” Our Poem will be "Ride a Cockhorse.” We will also practice reading the leveled readers your child will bring home in the near future. We will practice good book handling skills and practice blending sounds into words. 

Math: Continuing our lesson on shapes, we will introduce 3D shapes:  cone, rectangular block, cylinder, cube, and sphere.  We will find every day items that look like these shapes, and an assessment will be taken on Friday.

We had a good time last week exploring pumpkins with our five senses, here's a look.

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