Week 22: 01/20-01/24

Thursday, January 16, 2020
Happy Friday Eve!

I hope you are all ready for the three day weekend! I am looking forward to an extra day off with Harper :) A couple quick announcements:
1. We still need some supplies for the 100th day of school, follow the link to sign up to bring a snack.
2. Friday 01/24 is the 100th day of school, your may wear a shirt depicting 100, see picture for example or refer to the prior email. Uniform bottoms and shoes must still be worn. 

3. Field Day is quickly approached, look for a blog post and email coming soon about ways to volunteer for this fun day and what your child should wear!

Here's a look at next week: 

Spalding:  This week we will learn three new phonograms ough, igh (cue: three letter), ey. Students will have five spelling words: top, 
he r. 4 (e may say e at the end of a syllable) 
will r. 17 (we can double the l following a single vowel at the end of a one syllable word.) 
we  r. 4 (e may say e at the end of a syllable) 
Friday is our 100th day of school so we are challenging our students to write 100 phonograms and spelling words, wish us luck! 

Sight Words: This week we will review list 3.

Literature: We are so excited to begin reading our second Classic to Keep, “Mr. Popper’s Penguins.” We will be reading this story for the next three weeks. We will be reading the story to the class, so no books are needed. We ask that you please hold off on reading the book with your child at home until we are finished with the entire story so we can enjoy it as a class family. We will have Mary Had a Little Lamb for our weekly poem.

Math: This week we will continue to work on numbers 10-20 focusing on number order. Students will practice counting and writing in ascending order. We will work on finding the missing number in a sequence and identifying numbers that are more than others. For example, students will say “17 is one more than 16; 12 is two more than 10.” On Friday, we will be taking an assessment on place value (tens and ones) and numbers to 20.

History and Geography: We will review the names of the seven continents and spend this week learning all about the continent of Australia! We will learn about Australian words and animals, especially the kangaroo. Students will also learn about aboriginal art in Australia and they will create their own dot paintings.

In math we practiced place value by making a group of ten and ones. 

We practiced sight words using play-doh!

We earned our last marble and had a pizza/balloon party! It was just as fun as it sounds :) 

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